minushalf.utils package


minushalf.utils.atomic_potential module

Correct crystal potential to fractional occupations

class minushalf.utils.atomic_potential.AtomicPotential(vtotal: Vtotal, vtotal_occupied: Vtotal, potential_file: PotentialFile)

Bases: object

Correct atomic potential fourier tranform for fractional occupations in valence or conduction bands

correct_file(potential: list, cut: float, amplitude: float, is_conduction: bool = False) None

Create the potential file corrected


potential (list): List of corrected potentials fourier transform

cut (float): Cutting parameter to cancel the potential

amplitude (float): Multiplicative factor of the potential function

correct_potential(cut: float, amplitude: float, is_conduction: bool = False) list

Correct fourier transform of the potential (V(k)) present in POTCAR file.


cut (float): Cutting parameter to cancel the potential

amplitude (float): Multiplicative factor of the potential function

is_conduction (bool): Indicates whether the potential correction will be made in the valence or in the conduction


List of corrected potentials fourier transform

get_corrected_file_lines(potential: list) list

Create the potential file corrected


potential (list): List of corrected potentials fourier transform


potential_lines(list): A List of potcar lines

occupy_potential(cut: float, amplitude) list
  • cut (float) – Cutting parameter to cancel the potential

  • amplitude (float) – Multiplicative factor of the potential function


A list that contains the potentials of fractional electron occupation at the exact level to be corrected.

minushalf.utils.band_structure module

Band structure informations

class minushalf.utils.band_structure.BandStructure(eigenvalues: dict, fermi_energy: float, atoms_map: dict, num_bands: int, band_projection: BandProjectionFile)

Bases: object

Extact band structure insights from VASP classes

band_gap() dict

Find VBM and CBM, then returns band gap :returns: VBM index and its eigenvalue, CBM index and its eigenvalue and band gap

band_projection(kpoint: int, band: int) -> defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {})
Find the projection of each atom for a specific band.

kpoint (int): Number of kpoints band_number (int): Number of the band


band_projection (defaultdict(list)): Contains the projection of each orbital of each atom in the respective band

cbm_index() tuple

Find the kpoint and the band for cbm


vbm_index (tuple): Contains the kpoint number and the band number of th vbm

cbm_projection() -> defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {})

Find the projection of each atom for valence band minimum.


vbm_projection (defaultdict(list)): Contains the projection of each orbital of each atom in the respective band

static create(software_module: SoftwaresAbstractFactory, base_path: str = '.')

Create band structure class from ab inition results


software_module (SoftwaresAbstractFactory): Holds the results of first principles output calculations base_path (str): Path to first principles output files


band_strucure (BandStructure): Class with band structure informations

is_metal(tolerance: float = 0.0001) bool

Check if the band structure indicates a metal by looking if the fermi level crosses a band.


True if a metal, False if not

vbm_index() tuple

Find the kpoint and the band for vbm


vbm_index (tuple): Contains the kpoint number and the band number of th vbm

vbm_projection() -> defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {})

Find the projection of each atom for valence band maximum.


vbm_projection (defaultdict(list)): Contains the projection of each orbital of each atom in the respective band

minushalf.utils.check_file_exists module

Function to check if a file exists


Function decrator to check if a file exists


Function decrator to check if a file exists


Function decrator to check if a file exists


Function decrator to check if a file exists


Function decrator to check if a file exists

minushalf.utils.cli_messages module

Default cli messages

minushalf.utils.cli_messages.end_message() None

Print end message

minushalf.utils.cli_messages.welcome_message(text: str) None

Print welcome message

minushalf.utils.correct_potential_fourier_transform module

Fourier Transform

minushalf.utils.correct_potential_fourier_transform.correct_potential_fourier_transform(coefficient: array, k: array, rays: array, occupation_potential: array, cut: float) array

The pseudopotential is given in terms of the radial distance, and is only defined for r >= 0, as expected. Since it is only evaluated inside an integral from 0 to infinity, it does not matter what values it assumes for r < 0. A natural choice is to define the function to be zero for negative values, but a more convenient choice is to choose v(-r)=-v(r) and n(-r)=-n(r), since purely real and odd functions have purely imaginary Fourier transforms. Let v’ and n’ be the odd extensions of the potential and the number density, respectively.

\[E_{v} = \int_{0}^{\infty}v(r)n(r)dr = \int_{0}^{\infty}v'(r)n'(r)dr = \frac{1}{2}\cdot\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}v'(r)n'(r)dr = -\frac{1}{2}\cdot\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}V(k)N(k)dk\]

On the third equalitty, we used the fact that the product of two odd functions is even, and in the last step we have applied Parseval’s theorem, considering that the Fourier transforms are purely imaginary. Even though the function may not pass through the origin, we can still make an odd extension, by making it discontinuous.

The data stored on POTCAR corresponds to the Fourier transform of the odd extension of v. It can be approximated by the summation on the right, where the prefactors were ommited.

\[V(k) = i\cdot \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\cdot\int_{0}^{\infty}v(r)sin(b\cdot k\cdot r)dr \Rightarrow V(k)\sim \sum^{N_{r}}_{i=1} \frac{(v[i]\cdot sin(b\cdot k\cdot r[i])+v[i-1]\cdot sin(b\cdot k\cdot r[i-1]))}{2\cdot (r[i]-r[i-1])}\]

Computes the opposite of the imaginary part of the j-th fourier transform coefficient through numerical integrationIndex zero stands for the r=DeltaR, and the function is assumed to be zero at the origin. Thus, the first trapezium of the numerical integration is degenerated to a triangulum, and its area must be calculated as so.


coefficient (np.array): Fourier transform of the potential for the atom in its ground state

k (np.array): The wave vector in reciprocal space

rays(np.array): List of rays on which pseudopotential calculations were made

occupation_potential (np.arraygit): Potential of fractional electron occupation at the exact level to be corrected

cut(float): Cutting parameter to cancel the potential


Fourier transform of the potential for the state with fractional occupation of the crystal

minushalf.utils.cut_initial_guess module

Gives cut initial guess

class minushalf.utils.cut_initial_guess.CutInitialGuess

Bases: object

Estimate cut inital guess from the nearest neighbor distance.

guess(distance: float, method: str) float

Given the nearest neighbor distance and the method, it returns the initial guess.


method (str): method of gessing distance (float): nearest neighbor distance


cut_guess (float): An initial guess to cut.

minushalf.utils.drop_comments module

Function to check if the line a commentarie or not

minushalf.utils.drop_comments.drop_comments(lines: list) list

Function to remove comments from lines in a file


lines(list): list of file lines


lines_without_comments (list): lines of the file without comments

minushalf.utils.fractionary_correction_indexes module

Get atoms to be corrected for simple valence correction and simple condunction correction

minushalf.utils.fractionary_correction_indexes.get_fractionary_correction_indexes(band_projection: DataFrame, treshold: int = 5) dict

Get dataframe index of the orbitals which contributes more than 5 percent to (VBM|CBM)


correction_indexes (dict):A dict wherw the keys are the atoms

symbols and the value is a list with the orbitals type to be corrected. Ex: { ‘Ga’: [‘p’,’s’], ‘N’ : [‘d’,’f’], }

minushalf.utils.get_correction_params module

Extract the parameters for the correction

minushalf.utils.get_correction_params.get_conduction_correction_params(minushalf_yaml: MinushalfYaml, software_factory: SoftwaresAbstractFactory, **kwargs)

Returns the parameters for the conduction correction

minushalf.utils.get_correction_params.get_valence_correction_params(minushalf_yaml: MinushalfYaml, software_factory: SoftwaresAbstractFactory, **kwargs)

Returns the parameters for the valence correction

minushalf.utils.negative_band_gap module

Returns band-gap with the sinal changed, so one can use minimization algorithms to find the cut value that results in the maximum band_gap

minushalf.utils.negative_band_gap.find_negative_band_gap(cuts: list, *args: tuple) float

Run vasp and return the gap value multiplied by -1

  • cuts (float) – List of cuts

  • args (tuple) – tuple containning a dictionary with the fields base_path (str): Path to mkpotcar{symbol}_{orbital} symbol (str): Atom symbol default_potential_filename (str): The default potential filename for each software potfiles_folder (str): Folder containing unmodified potfiles amplitude (float): scale factor to trimming function runner (Runner): runner for the software software_factory(SoftwaresAbstractFactory): Factory for each software atom_potential(AtomicPotential): Holds fourier transforms of the potential software_files (list): Aditional files besides potential file to make ab initio calculations


band gap multiplied for -1

Return type:

negative_gap (float)

minushalf.utils.parse_cut module

Parse cut string used in correct potential file

minushalf.utils.parse_cut.parse_cut(cut: str) list

Parse cut in a list of numbers.


cut (str) –

Cut energy to be used in the program, it can be passed in two ways:

unique value : float or integer range: begin(float|integer):pass(float|integer):end(float|integer)


Permited values of cut.

Return type:

cut_numbers (list)

minushalf.utils.parse_valence_orbital_line module

Parse valence orbital line in INP file.

minushalf.utils.parse_valence_orbital_line.parse_valence_orbitals(line: str) dict

Parse valence orbital line in principal quantum number, angular momentum quantum number and eletronic occupation


line (str): line of imp file that represents a valence orbital


A dictionary with fields n, l and eletronic occupation

minushalf.utils.projection_to_df module

Transform informations about band_project generated by cbm_character, vbm_character or band_character in a normalized datafame Grouped by orbital types

minushalf.utils.projection_to_df.projection_to_df(projection: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {})) DataFrame

Transform received dictionaries into information with a higher degree of readability.


projection (defaultdict(list)): A dictionary containing the projections of each atom per orbital


prolection_df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe containing the projections per orbital type and normalized between 0 - 100

minushalf.utils.simple_correction_indexes module

Get atoms to be corrected for simple valence correction and simple condunction correction

minushalf.utils.simple_correction_indexes.get_simple_correction_indexes(band_projection: DataFrame) dict

Get dataframe index of the orbital which contributes more to (VBM|CBM)


correction_indexes (dict):A dict wherw the keys are the atoms

symbols and the value is a list with the orbitals type to be corrected. Ex: { ‘Ga’: [‘p’,’s’], ‘N’ : [‘d’,’f’], }

minushalf.utils.trimming_function module

Trimming function

minushalf.utils.trimming_function.trimming_function(radius: array, ion_potential: array, atom_potential: array, cut: float, amplitude: float) array

Function that generate the potential for fractional occupation. The potential is cuted by a a function theta(r) to avoid divergence in calculations. The function of potential is defined as follows:

\[V_{1/2} = (V_{atom}- V_{ion})\cdot \theta (r)\]

where theta is:

\[\theta (r)=A\cdot (1-(\frac{r}{CUT})^{n})^{3},r\leq CUT\]
\[\theta (r) = 0, r > CUT\]


cut (float): cutting parameter to cancel the potential

amplitude (float): multiplicative factor of the potential function

radius (np.array): rays in which the potential was calculated

ion_potential (np.array): Atom pseudopotential with fractional occupation

atom_potential (np.array): Atom pseudopotential with all electrons


potential of fractional electron occupation at the exact level to be corrected

Module contents

Init file for utils module